Testimonials From Participants and Professionals
"Dr. Benshoff always conducts herself professionally, and seems to intuitively know in what manner information needs to be presented to her audience. She has a wicked sense of humor, and uses it to put folks at ease, as well as to lighten a moment"
"Dr. Benshoff always conducts herself professionally, and seems to intuitively know in what manner information needs to be presented to her audience. She has a wicked sense of humor, and uses it to put folks at ease, as well as to lighten a moment"
"Dr. Benshoff always conducts herself professionally, and seems to intuitively know in what manner information needs to be presented to her audience. She has a wicked sense of humor, and uses it to put folks at ease, as well as to lighten a moment"
"Dr. Benshoff always conducts herself professionally, and seems to intuitively know in what manner information needs to be presented to her audience. She has a wicked sense of humor, and uses it to put folks at ease, as well as to lighten a moment"
Diane L. Schentur,
Supervisor of Special Education
Bedford City Schools
“Dr. Benshoff is a gifted instructor. You will walk away from her seminar with wisdom AND practical skills. The knowledge and skills she imparts and that you practice will empower you! You will be able to communicate more effectively both professionally and personally. Finally, regardless of the situation, you will be able to confidently say "I've got this" and mean it!”
Holly A. Gerzina, M.Ed., Ph.D.
Executive Director Interprofessional Education & Simulation
Northeast Ohio Medical University
“Dr. Benshoff’s years of experience as a counselor and teacher deeply inform her presentations which blend theory, audience involvement, and concrete action steps for improved communication. I found her to be on point with her content and very engaging with her interactive exercises.”
Sandra Emerick, Ed.D.,
Chief Student Affairs Officer
Northeast Ohio Medical University
Dr. Benshoff's teaching skills are excellent. She has the ability to present material in a fresh and stimulating manner. She uses humor extremely well and laces her classroom lectures with lively and heuristic examples. I have seen her teach a group of students who would rather not be in class and turn them into highly motivated and involved participants in her class. She is truly gifted in her teaching abilities.
Paul Kostansek
Asst. to the Superintendent
Dr. Benshoff has been our course partner for nearly a decade. I¹ve never worked with someone of her insight and professionalism. She¹s taught me
and my staff much about how to deliver just the right feedback, at the right time so the physician understands it as an observation not a judgment of their behavior.